Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Three friends, men in their thirties, who have been talking about starting a podcast since the medium gained popularity in the late aughts, finally recorded a single 3-hour audio track and uploaded it to the Anchor platform. 

The trio, who regularly gather in person and online to play board games, drink alcohol, and chain-smoke cigarettes have been building towards this moment for years.

The triad has been plagued by procrastination and false starts for over a decade. Something always seemed to come up in one of their lives that derailed any hope of getting all three in one place with the time and gumption to dive into the process.

One man, who we’ll call Brent, bought a Yeti microphone 4 years ago with the hope that it would inspire the group to finally pull the trigger on the recording.

Another of the men, who asked to remain anonymous, and we’ll call Tanner said that the group has been debating the topics of coverage and style of banter since 2013.

The third member, Dan P., has been suggesting for a couple of years that they should record their next gathering and just see what happens, but until today has never followed through to make it happen.

The recording features more than two dozen farts, the opening of 8 carbonated beverages, the sound of urine falling on dry leaves, culturally insensitive jokes that would get a student thrown out of a liberal arts classroom, and wise incites about unlearning the culture and conditioning of toxic masculinity and gender norms.

Is this the start of a recording tradition or just a one-off success unlikely to be repeated?

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